Think Tank for Taiwan Cultural Policy

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2017National Cultural Congress

The editing of Taiwan Cultural White Paper has been lasted for 13 years and National Cultural Congress has the experience in the past. The difference of the conference between this time and the previous times is to understand the trend of the contemporary social openness and change and to establish a platform enables citizens to voice their opinions. The conference at the very beginning invites public to edit the Cultural Policy White Paper and jointly write it to make participate in cultural public affairs a civil cultural movement.

The National Cultural Congress and Cultural Policy White Paper of 2017 will take “Cultural Citizen, Deliberative Thinking, Public Participation, Diversified Right of Equality, Mutual Governance” as the core spirit to expect to combine folk society, third department and public department to form a mutual governed network that attracts more participations of civil groups. The communication of cultural issues under deliberative thinking makes spirit of diversified right of equality practice in each issue. In the public field formed in conference and forum the congress makes every Taiwanese a cultural citizen through cultural public participation.

The planned core content includes:
  1. The planning of National Cultural Congress and the forum in separated district.
  2. The website of National Cultural Congress: Information transparency, citizen proposal and opinion collection.
  3. The system of deliberative thinking and mutual governance and roll correcting National Cultural Policy White Paper.

The National Cultural Congress of 2017 take “Taiwan Culture General Establishment in 21st Century” and five concepts of governance proposed by Cheng Li-chiun, the Minister of Culture as the foundation to extent six axes of cultural policy issues through discussion of the congress, including the contents below:

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