Seminar: 「Annick Schramme - Cultural Governenance」

Annick Schramme is the academic director of the Knowledge Community Creative Industries at Antwerp Management School, where she is also responsible for the research output of the Knowledge Center of Flanders District of Creativity, and for some education programs (master class cultural management; master class creative jumpers). Besides, she is the academic coordinator of the Master Cultural Management and the competence center Management, Culture & Policy (Faculty of Applied Economics) at the University of Antwerp. Over the last years she has published about the arts policy of Flanders, the creative industries, local cultural policy and the creative city, heritage policy from an international perspective, cultural entrepreneurship etc. Finally she is member/chair of several boards and/or advisory committees in the cultural sector in Flanders and the Netherlands, like the Royal Ballet of Flanders/the Royal Opera, the Flemish Fund for Literature, The Flemish Children theatre HetPaleis and the Strategic Advisory Board for Culture, Youth, Media and Sports of the Flemish Government and the Dutch Council for Culture.